Our Process

scrap metal processing

Scrap Metal Processing

Scrap yards are facilities that specialise in buying, processing, and selling various types of scrap metal, including steel, copper, aluminum, brass, and others.

Here is a general overview of how scrap yards process scrap metal:

  1. Collection: Scrap metal is collected from various sources, such as industrial sites, construction sites, demolition sites, households, and others. Some scrap yards also have containers or bins placed in different locations for people to drop off their scrap metal.

  2. Sorting: Once the scrap metal is collected, it is sorted based on its type and quality. For example, steel is separated from copper, aluminum, and other non-ferrous metals. The sorting process is usually done using magnets, sensors, and manual labor.

  3. Shredding: After the scrap metal is sorted, it is shredded into smaller pieces using specialised equipment such as shredders and crushers. This makes it easier to transport and process further.

  4. Melting: The shredded scrap metal is then melted down in a furnace or a smelter. The temperature and the duration of the melting process depend on the type of metal being processed. For example, steel requires a much higher temperature and longer melting time compared to aluminum.

  5. Purification: Once the metal is melted, impurities such as dirt, oil, and other metals are removed using various techniques such as skimming, filtering, and chemical treatments.

  6. Casting: The purified molten metal is then poured into molds to create new products such as bars, rods, sheets, and other shapes. The finished products are then sold to various industries, such as construction, automotive, and manufacturing.

Overall, the process of processing scrap metal in a scrap yard involves several steps, from collection to casting, and requires specialised equipment and techniques to ensure the quality of the final products.